Another beautiful member garden!

Noreen a member of “Top of the World Garden Club” in Gunnison, Colorado. She lives off the grid at 9,500′, where the days reach highs only in the 70’s. Here is an assortment of photos of her flowers, garden, little waterfalls, and small pond.
Noreen says that this year, due to the Coronavirus, she planted the flower planters from seeds, except for the petunias which she bought. In the flower planters are Nasturtium, Violets, and Petunias edged with Carpet of Snow Alyssum.
The flowers in the area around the little waterfalls and pond are all perennials:  Blue Clustered Bell Flowers, Poppies, Bleeding Heart, Day Lilies, Salvia, Sedum, Pink Sea Thrift, Flax, Lamium maculatum ( Purple Dragon or Spotted Dead Nettle ), Tall Phlox ( not yet bloomed ), and Phlox ground cover.
Floating in the pond are Water Hyacinths.  There are two planters at the narrow sides of the pond with bog plants. One has Yellow Flag Irises, the other Water Poppies.
The photo with the white bike is a garden area in front of our guest cabin. The flowers are mostly Sweet William.
And, the pink Poppies are in the front of her house. You may use which ever photos you wish. I live off the grid at 9,500′. The days reach highs only in the 70’s.
We hope you all enjoyed Noreen’s virtual garden tour!