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Welcome to the
Colorado Federation of Garden Clubs

CFGC Mission Statement


​The Colorado Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. serves and supports our community through education, conservation, horticulture, and landscape design.


Discover Colorado's Member Garden Clubs


Who We Are

Colorado Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. (CFGC) is a non-profit, 501c organization dedicated to promoting the love of gardening and the preservation of Colorado's natural beauty. We are a proud member of the National Garden Clubs, Inc. and work with local garden clubs throughout the state to achieve our mission.

Support our programs, projects, scholarships an grants by donating today. The Colorado Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc. (CFGC) serves and supports our community through education, conservation, horticulture and landscape design.


Our Blog

Gardening Info, Tips, and Events


Below is information and links to our National, Regional, and State (CFGC) Newsletters. You'll also find a link to information on our clubs and how to join or start a new club. We hope that these resources help you in your gardening endeavors!


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