Garden Clubs
Find a Colorado Garden Club!
The Colorado Federation of Garden Clubs is a member of the National Garden Clubs,
one of the largest volunteer gardening organizations in the world!
If you have a passion for growing things, like to meet and get to know new people, or have just moved to Colorado and want to learn how to garden in our climate and high altitude, then you’ve come to the right place! Below you’ll find a list of garden clubs by district.
Don’t be shy, contact us to find a club or to have us start a new one in your area. You can stop in an visit a local club's meeting without joining to try it out.

Northern Front Range District Clubs
Below is the information on the clubs that belong to the Northern Front Range District of Colorado Federation of Garden Clubs (CFGC). All CFGC Clubs are also members of the National Garden Clubs (NGC) and the Rocky Mountain Region of Garden Clubs.
Boulder Garden Club
Serves Boulder, Colorado, and the surrounding areas.
Meeting Place:
Niwot Hall
195 2nd Avenue
Niwot, CO
Meeting Dates: Oct-April: 3rd Friday of the month
May-Sept: Garden Tours & Special Events
(no meeting in January)
Meeting Time: 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Contact: Sandy Edmondson @ 303-443-9253 / sandyed@juno.com
Web Site: www.bouldergardenclub.org
Dig and Dream Garden Club
Serves the Centennial and Aurora, Colorado areas.
Meeting Place:
Smoky Hill Library
5430 S. Biscay Circle
Centennial, CO 80015
Meeting Dates: 3rd Monday of the month
Meetings in January & Feb. are on the 2nd Monday due to Library Holidays
Meeting Time: 12:00 pm to 2:30 pm
Business Mtg. 12:00-1:00, Speaker/Activity 1:15-2:30
Contact: Nancy Griffin @ 720-936-5785 / mysticmoongardener@gmail.com
Web Site: https://diganddream.com
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/DigDream
Floral Arts Study Club
Serves Denver, Colorado, and the surrounding areas for Floral Design only.
Meeting Place:
Emerson House (CFGC Headquarters)
1556 Emerson St.,
Denver, CO 80218-1450
Meeting Dates: 3rd Thursday of the month
(No meetings in February, May, and December)
Meeting Time: 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Contact: Joy Kancir @ 303-814-0679 / jkancir13@msn.com
Web Site:
Membership by invitation only
Greeley Morning Garden Club
Serves Greeley, Colorado, and the surrounding areas.
Meeting Place:
FMS Bank (Downstairs on the bottom floor)
2425 35th Ave,
Greeley, CO 80634
Meeting Dates: 3rd Wednesday of the month
Meeting Time: 9:30 am
Contact: Debbie Martinez @ 970-397-1415 / debmartinez.dm@gmail.com
Web Site: www.greeleygardenclub.com​
Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/GreeleyMorninggardenclub
Happy Transplants Garden Club
Serves Arvada/Broomfield, Colorado, and the surrounding areas.
Meeting Place:
Westminster Christian Church
3575 W. 96th Ave.
Westminster, CO 80031
Meeting Dates: 1st Monday of the month
October-April meet at the Church
May – Sept. meet in members’ homes
No meeting in January
Meeting Time: 6:30 pm
Contact: Debbie Martin @ 720-352-0416 / deberaem@comcast.net
Web Site: ​​​
Evergreen Moonlight Garden Club
Serves Evergreen, Colorado, and the surrounding areas.
Meeting Place:
Varies - Meet in member's homes
Meeting Dates: 2nd Tuesday of the month
(No meeting in January/February/March)
Meeting Time: 6:00 pm
Contact: Gail Fischer @ 303-809-7094 / gailf_designs@yahoo.com
Web Site: ​​
Young Buds Garden Club
Serves Denver, Colorado, and the surrounding areas.
Meeting Place:
Note this club is changing to a virtual club with options for occasional in-person outings and activities. Once the club format is updated and changed to mostly online, they will begin accepting new members again. That should start in 2025.
Meeting Dates: Last Friday of the month (Note this may change)
(No meeting in December/May/Oct)
Meeting Time: 5:00 pm (Note this may change)
Contact: Victoria Schmidt @ gardenwithvictoria@gmail.com
Web Site: ​​
Southern District Clubs
Below is the information on the clubs that belong to the Southern District of Colorado Federation of Garden Clubs (CFGC). All CFGC Clubs are also members of the National Garden Clubs (NGC) and the Rocky Mountain Region of Garden Clubs.
After Hours Garden Club
Serves Colorado Springs, Colorado, and the surrounding areas.
Meeting Place:
McAllister House Museum Carriage House
423 N Cascade Ave.
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Meeting Dates: 1st Monday of the month
May-Sept: Garden Tours & Special Events
(no meeting in January)
Meeting Time: 6:00 pm
Contact: Stacy Shockley @ 719-291-3259 / stacy.sh@live.com
Facebook Site: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php/?id=61551858866765​
Cheyenne Mountain Garden Club
Serves Colorado Springs, Colorado and surrounding area.
Meeting Place:
Gold Hills Police Station
955 West Moreno Avenue,
Colorado Springs, CO 80905
Meeting Dates: 3rd Friday of the month
Meetings in January & Feb. are on the 2nd Monday due to Library Holidays
Meeting Time: 9:00 am
Contact: Margie Soileau @ 719-648-8025 / margie@soileau.org
Website: www.cmgardenclub.com
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61559408890820
Douglas County Garden Club
Serves Castle Rock, Castle Pines, Highlands Ranch and Douglas County, Colorado.
Meeting Place:
Phillip S. Miller Library
100 South Wilcox Street
Castle Rock, CO 80104
Meeting Dates: 1st Tuesday of the month
Meeting Time: 1:00 pm
Contact: Marla Leggette @ 208-859-8615/ marlaleggette@gmail.com
Web Site: www.douglascountygardenclub.org
Flower Fad Garden Club
Serves Peublo, Colorado, and the surrounding areas.
Meeting Place:
Varies. Meet in member's homes.
2425 35th Ave,
Greeley, CO 80634
Meeting Dates: 2nd Thursday of the month
(No meetings in February, May, and December)
Meeting Time: 6:30 pm
Contact: Chuck Pelto @ 719-543-4502​ / cbpelto@pcisys.net
Web Site:
Harveyette Harvesters Garden Club
Serves Wheatridge, Colorado, and the surrounding areas.
Meeting Place:
Varies. Meet in member's homes.
Meeting Dates: 4th Wednesday of the month
Meeting Time: Noon
Contact: Debi Padilla @ 303-908-1906 / snowy55@outlook.com
Web Site: ​​
Manitou Springs Garden Club
Serves Manitou Springs, Colorado, and the surrounding areas.
Meeting Place:
Community Congregational Church of Manitou Springs
103 Pawnee Avenue,
Manitou Springs, CO 80829
Member’s homes during summer months
Meeting Dates: 2nd Thursday of the month
Meeting Time: 6:00 pm
Contact: Rachel Van Scoy @ 303-359-6682 / vanscoyr@gmail.com or lwestenburg@gmail.com
Web Site: https://manitouspringsgardenclub.org/​
Queen of Spades Garden Club
Serves Centennial, Colorado (West of I25), and the surrounding areas.
Meeting Place:
Member’s homes and other sites
Meeting Dates: 1st Friday of the month, Sept-June
Meeting Time: 1:00 pm
Contact: Jeanne Falletta @ 303-694-9319 / jeanne.falletta@gmail.com
Web Site: ​
Pikes Peak Designers Guild
Serves Colorado Springs and surrounding area for Floral Design only.
Meeting Place:
Mesa Conservation & Environmental Ctr.
2855 Mesa Road,
Colorado Springs, CO
Meeting Dates: 4th Thursday of the month
Meeting Time: 9:00 am
Contact: Annie Mollock @ 406-570-8136 / dragonflydragonfli@yahoo.com
Web Site: ​
South Western District Clubs
Below is the information on the club that belongs to the South Western District of Colorado Federation of Garden Clubs (CFGC). This district currently only has one club. All CFGC Clubs are also members of the National Garden Clubs (NGC) and the Rocky Mountain Region of Garden Clubs.
Garden Club of Durango
Serves Durango, Colorado, and the surrounding areas.
Meeting Place:
Varies depending on the program
Normally @ 1900 E. Third Avenue, at the Durango Public Library
Meeting Dates: 2nd Wednesday of the month
Meeting Time: 1:00 pm
Contact: Marsha Schuetz @ 970-247-0198 / marshaschuetz@gmail.com
Web Site: ​​
Western District Clubs
Below is the information on the club that belongs to the Western District of Colorado Federation of Garden Clubs (CFGC). This district currently only has one club. All CFGC Clubs are also members of the National Garden Clubs (NGC) and the Rocky Mountain Region of Garden Clubs.
Top O’ the World Garden Club
Serves Gunnison, Colorado, and the surrounding areas.
Meeting Place:
Member’s homes
Meeting Dates: 3rd Tuesday of the month
Meeting Time: 1:00 pm
Contact: Kathleen Skinner @ 970-901-7671 / katlifenine@hotmail.com
Web Site: